

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站2017年12月31日重庆报道,由于中国的天然气使用量在其从煤炭转移中激增,中国计划在2018年年初在重庆启动一个旨在建立一个亚洲天然气价格基准的天然气交易所。 中国是世界上第三大天然气消费国,仅次于美国和俄罗斯。在中国快速增长市场中的交易将对一个亚洲天然气标记——在这个地区其它供应品可能被定价——来说无疑将是一个强有力的竞争者。 得到国有能源巨头、私营天然气经销商和当地政府支持的天然气经销商支持的重庆石油和天然气交易所将为国内的天然气产量、来自中亚和缅甸的管道天然气进口以及液化天然气进口提供一个交易平台。 重庆是中国第二个旨在开发一个交易天然气市场的尝试,成立一家与2015年在上海成立的类似交易所。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: China’s Chongqing gas exchange aims to be Asia price benchmark China plans to launch a natural gas exchange in Chongqing in early 2018, aiming to create an Asian price benchmark as the nation’s use of the fuel surges amid its shift away from coal. China is the world’s third-biggest consumer of natural gas behind the United States and Russia. An exchange in its fast-growing market would be a strong contender for an Asian gas marker off which other supplies in the region could be priced. The Chongqing Oil and Gas Exchange—supported by state energy majors, and private and local government-backed gas distributors—would provide a trading platform for domestic output, pipeline imports from Central Asia and Myanmar, and imports of LNG. Chongqing is China’s second attempt to develop a traded gas market, having set up a similar exchange in 2015 in Shanghai.
