

    中国石化新闻网讯 近年来全球丙烯需求增长迅速,石脑油裂解和炼油厂催化裂化等传统工艺生产的丙烯难以跟上需求快速增长的步伐。在过去五年中,全球丙烯需求以年均近5%的速度快速增长,其中一些发展中国家的增速是全球平均增速的2至3倍。例如,2012年至2016年期间中国市场的丙烯需求年均增速达到15.5%。     当前全球大部分丙烯供应来自于乙烯裂解装置和炼油厂催化裂化装置生产的副产品。乙烯裂解装置生产的主要产品是乙烯,而催化裂化装置的主要产品是汽油。由于乙烯和汽油的需求增速远低于丙烯需求增速,而且裂解装置原料轻质化趋势导致丙烯收率大幅下降,因此要确保丙烯供应能够满足需求,必须实施替代生产工艺。在少数几个以丙烯生产为重点的生产工艺中,丙烷脱氢(PDH)已被证明是最有效的生产工艺。目前,全球投入运营的PDH装置已经有26套,第27套装置计划于2018年初在阿布扎比开始投产。     张春晓 摘译自 《HP》2017年12月刊     原文如下:
    Propane dehydrogenation technology is transforming the propylene business     Propylene demand has been increasing rapidly in recent years, and traditional processes are struggling to keep up. Propylene demand has increased at an average rate of nearly 5%/yr in the past 5 yr, with some developing countries growing at two to three times that rate. In China, for example, average annual propylene demand grew by 15.5%/yr between 2012 and 2016.
    The majority of the world’s propylene supply comes from coproduct processes, which are run primarily to make a product other than propylene. As demand for those alternate products—either ethylene or gasoline—grows more slowly than propylene, alternative processes must be implemented to ensure that supply could satisfy demand. Out of the few processes that have emerged that focus on propylene production, propane dehydrogenation (PDH) has proven to be the most effective tool. At present, 26 PDH plants are operating worldwide, with a 27th plant scheduled to begin operations in Abu Dhabi in early 2018.
