

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站12月18日休斯敦报道,根据俄罗斯国有石油巨头俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)发表的一份公司声明,俄油董事会日前批准了在今后的10年里(2018-2027)在位于俄罗斯西西伯利亚的萨莫特洛夫大油田钻取2400多口产油井把油气日采收率提高5000多万吨油当量。 俄油说,俄罗斯政府日前已同意在今后的10年里把适用于这个领域的采矿税削减350亿卢布(6亿美元)。 1965年发现并在1969年投产的萨莫特洛夫大油田迄今已生产27亿吨油当量的石油和天然气。这个油田迄今已钻井1.9万多口井。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Rosneft okays boost to Samotlor recovery Rosneft has approved the drilling of more than 2,400 wells during 2018-27 to boost recovery by more than 50 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) at supergiant Samotlor field in Western Siberia, according to a company statement.
The Russian government has agreed to cut the mineral extraction tax applicable to the field by 35 billion rubles ($600 million) over 10 years, Rosneft said. Discovered in 1965 and placed on production in 1969, Samotlor has produced 2.7 billion toe of hydrocarbons. More than 19,000 wells have been drilled in the field. Rosneft unit Samotlorneftegaz operates the field.
