中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站12月18日德黑兰报道,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)日前把一项价值1.75亿美元的旨在推动提高沙特阿拉伯王国境内两个气田哈拉德气田和哈维亚气田天然气产量的合同授予了美国通用电气公司(GE)麾下的子公司、全球领先油田服务提供商贝克休斯公司,从而凸现了通用电气贝克休斯公司(BHGE)在沙特阿拉伯国内强大的本地伙伴关系。 作为世界上最大油田盖瓦尔油田的一部分,哈拉德气田和哈维亚气田在支持沙特阿拉伯王国专注于扩大其天然气资源以及完成沙特阿美在今后10年里把天然气日产量提高一倍达到230亿标准立方英尺中将起到关键作用。 这也符合沙特阿拉伯王国把天然气在整体能源结构中的贡献从50%提高到70%的目标,这将是20国集团国家中最高的比例。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Saudi Aramco awards key gas deal to Baker Hughes State oil giant Saudi Aramco has awarded a $175-million contract to leading oilfield services provider Baker Hughes, a GE company, to drive enhanced production at its Haradh and Hawiyah gas fields in the kingdom, thus underlining the strong local partnerships of BHGE in the kingdom. Part of Al Ghawar, the world’s largest oilfield, Haradh and Hawiyah gas fields play a key role in supporting the kingdom’s focus on leveraging its gas resources, complementing Saudi Aramco’s plans to double gas production to 23 billion standard cubic feet per day in the next decade. This is also in line with the kingdom’s goal to increase the contribution of gas from 50 to 70 per cent of the overall energy mix, the highest among the G20 countries.