

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯12月14日首尔报道,韩国能源部周四在首尔说,作为减少本国对煤炭和核能严重依赖努力的一部分,韩国计划在本国发电结构中把液化天然气(LNG)的比重从今年估计的16.9%提高到18.8%。 韩国贸易、工业和能源部在其电力供应和需求的长期基本蓝图中说,通过向太阳能发电厂和风能发电厂增加投资,可再生能源在韩国发电结构中所占比例到2030年将从今年估计的6.7%增加到20%。 根据这份勾勒出韩国2017年至2031年能源路线图的蓝图,煤炭在发电结构中所占的比例相比之下到2030年将从今年的45.3%下降到36.1%,而核能在发电结构中所占比例在此期间将从30.3%下降到23.9%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: S Korea unveils power mix plan for 2030 focused on renewables, LNG South Korea aims to boost the portion of LNG in its electricity generation mix to 18.8% in 2030 from an estimated 16.9% this year as part of efforts to reduce its heavy reliance on coal and nuclear, the energy ministry said Thursday.
In its long-term Basic Blueprint for Power Supply and Demand, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said renewable sources would account for up to 20% of the power mix in 2030, up from an estimated 6.7% in 2017, by increasing investment in solar and wind power plants.
In contrast, coal’s share in the power mix is slated to fall to 36.1% in 2030 from 45.3% in 2017, and nuclear to fall to 23.9% from 30.3% over the same period, according to the blueprint, which outlines the country’s energy road map for 2017-2031.
