

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月1日消息,马士基石油公司已获批重新全面开发丹麦北海的Tyra天然气田,该公司将投资210亿丹麦克朗(约合31.6亿美元)以持续经营该资产至少25年。 在丹麦议会通过了确保该投资的立法后,A.P.穆勒-马士基集团、荷兰皇家壳牌集团、雪佛龙公司和Nordsofonden成立的合资公司Danish Underground Consortium批准了这一投资。 马士基石油公司在公告中称,Tyra气田的重新开发计划将确保这个丹麦最大的天然气田生产的持续性,并将保护和更新丹麦北海的重要基础设施。 在生产高峰时期,重新开发后的Tyra气田日产量将达6万桶油当量左右,所生产的天然气足够供150万户丹麦家庭使用。 预计这个重新开发的气田将在2022年7月份投产。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Maersk Oil Gets Green Light For $3.2 Billion Tyra Field Redevelopment Maersk Oil has been given the go-ahead to fully redevelop the Tyra gas field in the Danish North Sea, investing 21 billion Danish kroner ($3.16 billion) to enable continued operations from the asset for at least 25 years. The Danish Underground Consortium, a joint venture between A.P. Moeller-Maersk A/S (MAERSK-B.KO), Royal Dutch Shell Shell PLC (RDSA), Chevron Corp. (CVX) and Nordsofonden, have approved the investment after the Danish Parliament passed legislation to secure the investment. The redevelopment of Tyra will ensure continued production from Denmark’s largest gas field, and will protect and rejuvenate important Danish North Sea infrastructure, Maersk Oil said in a statement. At peak production, the redeveloped Tyra field will produce approximately 60,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day and provide enough gas to supply 1.5 million Danish homes. Production is expected from the redeveloped field in July 2022.
