

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月30日维也纳报道,由于石油输出国组织(欧佩克)成员国和以俄罗斯为首的非欧佩克产油国试图结束全球原油供应过剩,他们周四(30日)在维也纳举行的会议上同意把石油产量削减协议延长到2018年年底,同时表明如果市场过热,他们可能提前退出该协议。 今年首次与欧佩克大幅减产的俄罗斯一直在推动一个如何退出减产的明确信息,这样市场不会过早地出现赤字,价格不会反弹得太快,而竞争对手美国的页岩油公司也不会进一步提高产量。 俄罗斯比欧佩克领导者沙特阿拉伯更需要更低的油价来平衡预算,而沙特阿拉伯正在准备在明年为本国能源巨头沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)上市做准备工作,并期望从价格更高的原油中受益。 目前,为了提高油价,欧佩克和非欧佩克产油国正在每天削减大约180万桶的原油供应量,这一减产协议将在明年3月份到期。 科威特石油大臣马尔祖克在会后对记者说,正如市场所预期的那样,欧佩克和非欧佩克盟友周四在维也纳会议上已经同意将削减计划延长9个月到2018年年底。伊朗石油部长赞加内说,欧佩克还决定把尼日利亚和利比亚的联合石油产量限制在2017年低于280万桶/天的水平上。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: OPEC, Russia Agree Oil Cut Extension To End Of 2018 OPEC and non-OPEC producers led by Russia agreed on Thursday to extend oil output cuts until the end of 2018 as they try to finish clearing a global glut of crude while signalling a possible early exit from the deal if the market overheats. Russia, which this year reduced production significantly with OPEC for the first time, has been pushing for a clear message on how to exit the cuts so the market doesn’t flip into a deficit too soon, prices don’t rally too fast and rival U.S. shale firms don’t boost output further. Russia needs much lower oil prices to balance its budget than OPEC’s leader Saudi Arabia, which is preparing a stock market listing for national energy champion Aramco next year and would hence benefit from pricier crude. The producers’ current deal, under which they are cutting supply by about 1.8 million barrels per day (bpd) in an effort to boost oil prices, expires in March. Kuwaiti Oil Minister Essam al-Marzouq told reporters the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and non-OPEC allies had agreed to extend the cuts by nine months until the end of 2018, as largely anticipated by the market. OPEC also decided to cap the combined output of Nigeria and Libya at 2017 levels below 2.8 million bpd, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said.  
