

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站11月29日伦敦报道,作为发展本国能源部门计划的一部分,格鲁吉亚计划建造本国第一个地下天然气储存设施以及建造一个燃煤发电厂。 格鲁吉亚国家石油和天然气公司(GOGC)总经理戴维·特瓦拉贝什维利对路透社记者说,GOGC日前已获得在首都第比利斯的一个已被封口的油田建造这个地下天然气储存设施的权利并已完成了可行性研究。 特瓦拉贝什维利说,有几家公司已表达他们有兴趣参加建造地下天然气储存设施的招标。“我们预计将在2018年3月前敲定中标公司,”特瓦拉贝什维利如是说。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Georgia to Build Natural Gas Storage, Coal-fired Power Plant Georgia plans to build its first underground natural gas storage facility and construct a coal-fired power plant as part of moves to develop its energy sector.
Georgia’s state Oil and Gas Corporation (GOGC) has obtained the right to build the gas storage facility on a capped oil field in the capital Tbilisi and has finished the feasibility study, GOGC’s general director told Reuters.
“Several companies have expressed their interest to participate in the tender for the construction,” David Tvalabeishvili said.
“We expect that the winner will be named by May 2018.”
