

中国石化新闻网讯 据《海湾能源新闻》11月26日北京/上海报道,沙特阿拉伯作为中国最大的原油供应国的地位已经被俄罗斯取代。这个石油输出国组织(欧佩克)中的最大产油国如今正在努力重新夺回世界最大原油进口国的市场。 沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)亚洲分公司营销部副总裁穆沙巴卜·卡赫塔尼说,沙特阿美时下正在与中国的几个石油化工企业集团举行原油供应谈判,这几个石油化工企业集团眼下正在中国国内建造几个世界最大的炼油厂。卡赫塔巴还认为中国将扩大通常由这个中东国家生产的含硫原油的进口。 中国目前正在兴建炼油设施的公司包括熔盛石化股份有限公司,该公司正在浙江省建设一个价值240亿美元的炼油厂,而恒力集团则计划在辽宁省建造一个炼油厂。今年,由于沙特阿拉伯领导的欧佩克减产来减少全球供应过剩,沙特阿拉伯在世界最大能源消费国失去了市场份额。今年9月份,俄罗斯连续第七个月保持了中国最大原油供应国位置,而沙特阿拉伯则下跌到了老三位置。 卡赫塔尼周四在上海举行的中国国际油气贸易大会上说:“中国是我们最老和最大的客户之一。近几年来,由于增量需求更青睐低硫原油以及沙特阿美实施欧佩克的减产协议,中国的增长有所放缓。不过,沙特阿美仍有雄心勃勃的向中国增加原油出口的计划。” 李峻 编译自 海湾能源新闻 原文如下: Saudi Arabia eyes oil sales to world’s biggest plants emerging in China Saudi Arabia’s status as the biggest oil supplier to China has been usurped by Russia. The biggest producer in the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) is now trying to regain ground in the world’s largest crude importer. State-run Saudi Arabian Oil Company, Aramco, is in supply talks with petrochemical conglomerates that are building some of the world’s biggest plants in China, said Mushabab Al Qahtani, vice-president of the marketing department at its Asia unit, without identifying the firms. He also sees the country expanding imports of sulphurous sour crude — the type typically pumped by the Middle East nation. Firms currently forging facilities include Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., which is building a $24 billion refinery in Zhejiang province, and Hengli Group that’s planning a plant in the Liaoning region. As Saudi Arabia led Opec’s output cuts this year to shrink a global glut, it’s lost out on market share in the world’s biggest energy consumer. Russia in September retained the top Chinese supplier spot for the seventh straight month, while the kingdom was third. “China is one of our oldest and largest customers,” Al Qahtani said at the China International Oil and Gas Trade Congress in Shanghai on Thursday. “In recent years, growth in China has slowed as incremental demand preferred low-sulfur crude and as Aramco is implementing Opec cuts. However, Aramco still has ambitious plans for China.”
