

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月27日巴黎/奥斯陆报道,法国油气巨头道达尔公司周一表示,同意以14.5亿美元价格向挪威国家石油公司出售2块挪威油田的股份,表明继8月收购丹麦马士基石油后,道达尔开始对其北海投资组合进行检讨。
马丁林厄油田的开发因进度拖延与成本超支而受阻,最新的投资预测为413亿挪威克朗(合51亿美元),较最初预计超出约42%。 詹乐乾 摘译自路透社 原文如下:
Total sells two Norwegian oilfields to Statoil for $1.45 billion French oil and gas major Total said on Monday it had agreed to sell its stakes in two Norwegian oilfields to Statoil for $1.45 billion as it reviews its North Sea portfolio after acquiring Denmark’s Maersk Oil in August.
The company said Statoil will take over its 51 percent stake in the Martin Linge field and its 40 percent holding in the Garantiana discovery on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
The company said that although Norway remains strategically important as one of the largest contributors to its output, it plans to focus on its non-operated assets such as Ekofisk, Snohvit and Johan Sverdrup fields.
Total said there was limited scope for Total to improve operations in the Martin Linge field which was its only operated asset in Norway, while Statoil was in a better position to optimize the asset. The estimated recoverable resources of the field is in excess of 300 million barrels oil equivalent.
The Martin Linge development has been plagued by delays and cost overruns, with the latest investment estimate seen at 41.3 billion Norwegian crowns ($5.1 billion), about 42 percent more than originally anticipated.
