

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站11月22日休斯敦报道,玻利维亚石油部长路易斯·阿尔贝托·桑切斯·费尔南德斯周三(22日)在拉巴斯表示,阿根廷日前已要求其邻国玻利维亚供应更多的天然气。 费尔南德斯是在出席一次天然气会议期间对采访他的媒体记者发表上述讲话的。他说,玻利维亚有多达3000万立方米额外天然气供应的需求。 他说,这额外天然气供应需求主要来自阿根廷。 分析人士认为,玻利维亚不断下降的天然气产量是向其阿根廷和巴西关键客户增加天然气出口的一个障碍。 玻利维亚周二签署了一项16亿美元的旨在提高天然气产量的协议。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Argentina Wants more Gas from Bolivia Argentina has asked neighbor Bolivia for more gas supply, Bolivia’s Oil Minister said on Wednesday. Bolivia has demand for up to 30 million cubic meters of additional gas supply, Luis Alberto Sanchez Fernandez told reporters on the sidelines of a gas conference. The additional demand was mostly from Argentina, he said. Bolivia’s declining gas production is seen by analysts as an obstacle for boosting exports to key customers in Argentina and Brazil. The country signed $1.6 billion in gas deals on Tuesday aimed at boosting output.
