中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月22日伦敦报道,英国最新一轮海上油气许可证出售招标吸引了68家公司对此轮招标提供的位于英国大陆架的239个区块提交了申请,这个数字超过了去年招标获得的数字,英国石油和天然气管理局说这个结果证实了英国海上的“高剩余潜力”。 本周二结束的英国第30轮油气许可证出售招标对外提供了跨越英国大陆架所有主要盆地的探区,包括北海南部、北海中部、北海北部、设得兰群岛西部和东爱尔兰海。 英国石油和天然气管理局负责勘探和新项目的主管尼克·理查森说:“尽管经济环境艰难,但业界对此轮招标反应依然非常强烈。” 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: UK offshore oil, natural gas licensing round attracts ‘strong’ interest, adds to positive sentiment The latest offshore bidding round in the UK saw 68 companies submit applications for 239 blocks on offer on the UK Continental Shelf — well up on last year’s round — with the UK Oil and Gas Authority saying Wednesday the result confirmed the “high remaining potential” of the UK offshore.
The UK’s 30th licensing round, which closed Tuesday, offered acreage across all of the shelf’s main basins, including the Southern, Central and Northern North Sea, the West of Shetland and the East Irish Sea.
“Despite the difficult economic environment, industry has responded strongly to this round,” the OGA’s head of exploration and new ventures, Nick Richardson, said.