中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月22日新德里报道,印度最大的炼油企业印度石油公司在过去至少6年里将首次考虑购买委内瑞拉原油,印度石油公司此举可以帮助这个遭受危机打击的南美洲国家解决其与印度另外一家国有能源公司之间的未付账单。 自从原油价格在2014年暴跌以来,这个欧佩克成员国的经济已经崩溃,迫使其推迟支付石油服务商和燃料供应商。 委内瑞拉90%以上的出口收入依赖石油。委内瑞拉国家石油公司迄今已拖欠印度石油天然气公司麾下海外投资公司OVL债务6个月,委内瑞拉希望利用现有和新的印度客户来解决4.49亿美元的债务。 委内瑞拉国家石油公司没有回复路透社记者的置评请求。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Indian Oil Corp Studies Renewed Venezuelan Crude Purchases Indian Oil Corp is considering buying Venezuelan crude for the first time in at least six years, in a move that could help the crisis-struck South American nation settle unpaid bills with another state-owned Indian energy firm. The OPEC-member’s economy has collapsed since crude prices plummeted in 2014, forcing it to delay payments for oil services and fuel supplies. Venezuela depends on oil for more than 90 percent of its export revenues. Venezuela’s national oil company PDVSA has missed debt payments to ONGC Videsh, the foreign investment arm of Indian explorer Oil and Natural Gas Corp, for six month and wants to settle $449 million dues using existing and new Indian clients. PDVSA did not respond to a request for a comment.