中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社卡尔加里11月7日报道,雪佛龙公司正计划在Duvernay页岩地层开发一个重要的钻井项目,这标志着加拿大能源行业在一年内与其他专业公司在那里出售资产的时候有了信心。 位于加州圣雷蒙(San Ramon)的公司周一表示,东Kaybob部分的初步开发将覆盖约5.5万英亩(约22000公顷)的土地。 雪佛龙在Duvernay的大约33万英亩的土地上有净70%的营业权益。 这一钻井项目可能会鼓舞加拿大能源行业的士气,该行业已经看到了包括荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell Plc)、马拉松石油公司(Marathon Oil corp .)和康菲石油(ConocoPhillips)在内的能源巨头剥离了艾伯塔省油砂资产数十亿美元。 今年早些时候,雪佛龙公司在不列颠哥伦比亚省出售了其价值1.1亿美元的天然气站和炼油厂。 雪佛龙在位于西部的阿尔伯塔省的Duvernay的运营,将利用与Pembina管道公司和Keyera Corp .的长期基础设施协议。 总部位于卡尔加里的Pembina预计,该项目的部分资金成本将为2.9亿加元(合2.28亿美元),并将在2019年中期投入使用。 雪佛龙周一在纽约股价上涨1.8%,至117.04美元。今年的股票几乎没有变化。 蔡小全 编译自 世界石油网 原文如下: Chevron not giving up on Canada, plans shale push Chevron Corp. is planning a significant drilling program in the Duvernay shale formation, marking a vote of confidence in Canada’s energy industry in a year when it joined other majors in selling assets there. The initial development in the East Kaybob section of the formation will encompass about 55,000 acres (22,000 hectares), the San Ramon, California-based company said Monday. Chevron has a net 70% operating interest in about 330,000 acres in the Duvernay. The drilling program may boost morale in the Canadian energy industry, which has seen energy majors including Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Marathon Oil Corp. and ConocoPhillips divest billions of dollars of assets in Alberta’s oil sands. Chevron itself sold its gas stations and refinery in British Columbia in a $1.1-billion deal earlier this year. Chevron’s operations in the Duvernay, a liquids-rich formation in west-central Alberta, will use long-term infrastructure agreements with Pembina Pipeline Corp. and Keyera Corp. Calgary-based Pembina expects a capital cost of C$290 million ($228 million) for its portion of the project, with an in-service date of mid- to late-2019. Chevron shares rose 1.8% to $117.04 Monday in New York. The stock is little changed this year.