

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社曼谷11月3日消息,泰国炼油商IRPC三季度实现净利润同比翻了一番多,主要是受益于油价上涨以及化工产品利润增加。 IRPC在公告中称,美国东海岸遭遇飓风袭击后导致美国炼油厂暂时关停以及亚洲地区炼油厂的停工检修推动了油品价格的上涨。 第三季度IRPC实现净利润同比劲增149%达到32.5亿泰铢(9800万美元),打破了路透社对四位分析师调查所预测的25.6亿泰铢的净利润。三季度IRPC净利润大幅增长也受到了油价上涨导致的石油库存增值11亿泰铢的影响。 三季度IRPC的净销售收入同比增长26%达到523亿泰铢,平均产品价格上涨4%,而平均利润率达到5.73%,去年同期为2.86%。 张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Thai refiner IRPC’s quarterly profit more than doubles on rising oil prices Thai oil refiner IRPC Pcl’s net profit more than doubled in the third quarter as the subsidiary of energy giant PTT Group benefited from rising oil prices and higher margins on its chemical products. Temporary shutdowns at US refineries after hurricanes on the East Coast and regional maintenance shutdowns also pushed product prices higher, the company said in a statement. Its net profit surged 149% in July–September from a year earlier to 3.25 B baht ($98 MM), beating a forecast of 2.56 B baht in a Reuters survey of four analysts and helped by 1.1 B baht in gains on its oil stocks as oil prices improved. Net sales surged 26% to 52.3 B baht and average product prices increased 4%, while its average profit margin was 5.73%, up from 2.86% a year ago.
