

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社苏黎世/库拜尔11月6日报道,沙特阿拉伯-瑞士工程集团ABB正将其以石油和天然气工业为目的的turnkey项目投入到沙特阿拉伯Arkad工程和建筑公司的合资企业中,ABB周一表示,该公司正寻求“优化”其业务组合。 在过去,ABB的石油和天然气EPC部门已经赢得了工程项目,诸如工程、采购以及在阿尔及利亚的一个1亿美元的天然气泵站建筑合同项目,在突尼斯的一个天然气处理厂和泰国的一个天然气压缩机站项目。 ABB没有透露交易的财务细节,也没有透露它影响了多少员工,这是在众多石油和天然气业务受到低油价影响的生产商削减开支的工程公司中的一个。 ABB首席执行官Ulrich Spiesshofer一直避免在一系列市场中承担主要承包商角色的风险,因为在2013年,包括北海风电园(North Sea wind parks)在内的大型工程项目遭受了数亿美元的损失。 2014年,该公司放弃了在turnkey可再生能源项目上的领先地位,而去年则与美国工程公司Fluor合作,建设大型电站。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: ABB teams up with Saudi firm Arkad for turnkey oil and gas projects ZURICH/KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia- Swiss engineering conglomerate ABB is putting its turnkey projects arm for the oil and gas industry into a joint venture majority owned by Saudi Arabia’s Arkad Engineering & Construction, as ABB seeks to “optimise” its business portfolio, the company said on Monday. In the past the ABB oil and gas EPC unit has won projects such as the engineering, procurement and construction contracts for a $100 million gas pumping station in Algeria, a gas treatment plant in Tunisia and a gas compressor station in Thailand. ABB, which did not give financial details of the transaction or say how many employees it affects, is among engineering companies whose oil and gas businesses have been suffering from cutbacks in spending by producers hit by low oil prices. ABB Chief Executive Ulrich Spiesshofer has been shunning the risks of taking on the prime contractor role in a range of markets since being hit by hundreds of millions in losses on big engineering projects, including North Sea wind parks in 2013. In 2014 the company abandoned taking the lead on turnkey renewable energy projects, while last year it teamed up with U.S. engineering company Fluor for the construction of large electricity substations.  
