

中国石化新闻网讯 据TheOilAndGasYear网站10月26日德黑兰报道,伊朗国家石油公司签署了一份20年期合同,以船运LNG方式出售天然气。
协议涉及的天然气产自南帕尔斯气田第七炼厂,通过比利时埃克斯马公司提供的Caribbean FLNG装置进行运输。该装置预计每年将输送产自伊朗的天然气50万吨。
伊朗有若干LNG项目在营,但开发进度在多年国际制裁影响下大大落后,没有一个进入中晚期。今年2月,有报道披露道达尔公司有意对伊朗一个由私人发起但此前已遭废弃的LNG项目投资。 詹乐乾 摘译自TheOilAndGasYear网站 原文如下:
Iran signs first gas-to-LNG contract The National Iranian Oil Company has signed a 20-year contract for the sale of gas destined to be shipped as LNG.
The company signed the deal with IFLNG, a joint venture between Norwegian firm Hemla and Iran’s Khark Gas Refining Company, according to a Wednesday report from the Ministry of Petroleum’s news portal, Shana.
Gas originating from the South Pars gasfield’s seventh refinery will be delivered via the Caribbean FLNG vessel, which is owned by Belgium’s Exmar. A total of 500,000 tpy of production from the vessel is expected.
Iran has several LNG projects in the works, but with numerous delays faced due to years of international sanctions, none are at advanced stages. In February, reports emerged that Total was eyeing an investment in the previously abandoned Iran LNG project, a private initiative.  
