

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月26日消息,人们对于美国石油勘探和生产企业已经变成了专注于眼前的利润而不是业务增长的“败家子”的观点可能被夸大了。在分析了43家美国石油勘探和生产公司之后,咨询公司RBN能源公司表示,超过半数的公司预计2017年它们的上游资本支出将超过现金流,“这是一种乐观的迹象。”该公司表示,美国石油勘探和生产公司在油价暴跌后转向优质资产组合和提高效率的努力,可能给了他们在未来投资的信心。RBN能源公司表示:“一个非常合理的理由是,总的来说,美国石油勘探和生产公司认为维持资本支出和提高效率,并在高产的低成本生产领域投入大量资金是为2018年更好的发展做好准备的最佳方式。” 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Oil E&Ps Show Signs of Optimism For 2018 The swirling view that US oil exploration and production companies have become spendthrift entities focused on immediate profits over growth is perhaps being overstated. After analyzing 43 E&Ps, consultancy RBN Energy says more than half expect their upstream capital spending in 2017 to exceed their cash flow, “a definite sign of optimism.” It says E&Ps’ post-price-crash efforts to high-grade their portfolios and improve efficiency may have given them much-deserved confidence to spend for the future. “A very reasonable case can be made that, generally speaking, E&Ps believe that maintaining capex–and improving their efficiency and investing heavily in prolific, low-cost production areas–is the best way to position themselves for a better 2018.”  
