

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月24日奥斯陆报道,阿克尔BP公司周二表示,已经同意签署协议斥资20亿美元收购美国赫斯石油公司的挪威分公司,以此进一步扩大投资组合。
公司补充:“若有合作伙伴愿意与阿克尔BP公司共同合作,积极发掘上述油田的上升潜力,我们下一步将寻找机会对其出售或置换油田的小部分股权。” 詹乐乾 摘译自路透社 原文如下:
Aker BP in $2 bln deal to buy Norway unit of Hess Aker BP has agreed to buy the Norwegian unit of U.S. oil firm Hess in a $2 billion deal to further expand its portfolio, the companies said on Tuesday.
Aker BP will raise $500 million in new equity to help pay for the deal, in a share issue fully underwritten by its top owners, investment firm Aker ASA and oil major BP .
“Aker BP has a clear ambition to be the leading independent offshore exploration and production (E&P) company. This transaction is an important step in that direction,” Chief Executive Karl Johnny Hersvik said in a statement.
Following the deal, Aker BP plans to raise its dividend to $350 million per year from $250 million, with the first increase planned for the fourth-quarter dividend payment of 2017.
The transaction raises Aker BP’s stake in Norway’s Valhall and Hod fields to 100 percent, it said.
“Aker BP will subsequently seek to sell or swap a minority interest in the fields to partners who want to work together with Aker BP to proactively target the upside potential in the area,” it added.  
