

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯10月16日新加坡报道,雪佛龙公司的一名发言人说,雪佛龙公司的《Asia Venture号》油轮周一早晨已抵达位于西澳大利亚州的惠特斯通液化天然气(LNG)设施准备装载这个项目的第一批出口LNG货物。 根据标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯贸易流动软件cFlow,这艘油轮自上月晚些时候抵达该地区以来一直停泊在丹皮尔港外的海上。 雪佛龙公司此前曾预计惠特斯通LNG项目将在今年8月份开始LNG生产。雪佛龙公司说,这个项目的两条生产线设施在满负荷生产时将每年向亚洲的客户供应890万吨LNG。这个项目位于昂斯洛以西12公里的地方,主要处理来自雪佛龙公司担任作业者的惠特斯通气田和拉戈气田生产的天然气。 这个投资340亿美元的项目是美国雪佛龙澳大利亚子公司(拥有64.14%股份/下同),科威特国外石油勘探公司(13.4%),澳大利亚伍德塞德石油公司(13%)和日本九州电力公司(1.46%)之间的一个合资企业,而JERA部分拥有的PE惠特斯通公司拥有8%的股份。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Australia’s Wheatstone LNG project prepares to load first cargo Chevron’s Asia Venture tanker arrived at the Wheatstone LNG facility in Western Australia early Monday to prepare for loading the project’s first LNG cargo, a Chevron spokesman said. The tanker had been held offshore the port of Dampier since late last month after arriving in the area, according to S&P Global Platts trade flow software cFlow.
Chevron, a partner in the project, announced the commencement of production at Wheatstone in a statement on October 9, adding that the first cargo was scheduled for shipment in the coming weeks, following several delays. Chevron had previously been expecting Wheatstone to begin production in August.
At full capacity, the project’s two-train facility will supply 8.9 million mt/year of LNG for export to customers in Asia, Chevron said. The project is located 12 km west of Onslow, and processes natural gas from the Chevron-operated Wheatstone and Lago fields. The $34 billion project is a joint venture between the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron (64.14%), Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (13.4%), Woodside Petroleum (13%), and Kyushu Electric Power Company (1.46%), together with PE Wheatstone, part owned by JERA (8%).  
