

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月9日奥斯陆报道,挪威国家石油公司周一表示,该公司在英国海域勘探中发现2口干井与1处油气矿藏。
对Mariner Segment 9与Jock Scott油井的钻探结果令人失望,但挪国油在其位于默里湾外部Verbier油井侧钻时发现了至少2500万桶原油储量。
挪国油持有勘探许可证70%权益,泽西油气公司(Jersey Oil and Gas)与CIECO勘探生产公司分别持有18%与12%权益。 詹乐乾 摘译自路透社 原文如下:
Statoil drills two dry UK wells, makes one discovery Statoil’s exploration campaign off Britain yielded one discovery and two dry wells this year, the company said on Monday.
Results of the Mariner Segment 9 and Jock Scott wells were disappointing, while the third, a sidetrack to Statoil’s Verbier well in the outer Moray Firth, proved at least 25 million barrels of oil.
“Whilst the results of the other two exploration wells were disappointing, we are convinced of the remaining, high-value potential on the UK continental shelf,” Jenny Morris, Statoil’s vice president for UK exploration, said in a statement.
“The Verbier result certainly gives us the confidence and determination to continue our exploration efforts,” she added.
The preliminary results suggest that the Verbier discovery could hold from 25 million to 130 million barrels, but more drilling will be needed to refine the range and potential for commercial development, Statoil said.
Statoil holds 70 percent in the license, Jersey Oil and Gas 18 percent and CIECO Exploration and Production (UK) 12 percent.  
