

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月9日消息,沙特阿拉伯能源部的一名发言人周一表示,尽管来自于国际海运客户的需求强劲,但该国已将11月原油配额削减56万桶/日,以试图控制全球原油供应过剩的局面,。 上述发言人在一份声明中称,尽管国际客户对原油的需求十分强劲,超过771.1万桶/日,但沙特给予他们的原油配额仅为715万桶/日。 这位发言人表示,沙特不但正在限制原油的最高产量,也在控制更重要的出口底线,后者最终决定了全球原油库存和市场平衡。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Saudi Aramco Cuts November Crude Oil Allocation by 560,000 B/D Saudi Arabia has cut its crude-oil allocations for November by 560,000 barrels per day, an energy ministry spokesman said Monday, despite strong demand from international seaborne customers and as the kingdom tries to rein in a global supply glut. Despite very strong demand–more than 7.711 million barrels a day–from international customers who have their oil delivered by ship, they were allocated only 7.150 million barrels a day, the spokesman said in a statement. The kingdom is “restraining not only the top line of production volume, but even more importantly the bottom line of exports, which are what ultimately shape global inventories and market balances,” the spokesman added.  
