中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月9日伦敦报道,银行业消息人士透露,道达尔、埃尼与挪威国家石油公司正为出售其在英格兰北部蒂赛德石油终端的股权而寻找买家。该终端接收来自挪威埃科菲斯克油田的原油,此油田所产原油是布伦特基准原油的构成部分之一。
康菲公司网站介绍,蒂赛德终端于1975年建成,接收、加工并储存来自挪威大埃科菲斯克与瓦尔哈拉油田群,以及来自英国北海朱迪(Judy)平台的石油与天然气。 詹乐乾 摘译自路透社 原文如下:
Total, Eni, Statoil seek buyers for North Sea Teesside terminal Total, Eni and Statoil are seeking buyers for their stake in the Teesside oil terminal in northern England, which receives crude from the Norwegian Ekofisk fields, part of the global Brent benchmark, banking sources said.
The sale is run jointly by investment bank Rothschild and may fetch as much as $400 million, according to the sources.
Total holds a 32.9 percent stake in the terminal, Statoil a 27.3 percent stake and Eni a 10.3 percent stake. Paris Orleans holds 0.2 percent stake but it was unclear if they are taking part in the sale process.
Total, Eni and Statoil declined to comment.
ConocoPhillips is the operator of the terminal with a 29.3 percent stake but is not selling out, according to the sources.
Conoco also declined to comment.
The Teesside terminal, completed in 1975, receives, processes and stores crude oil and natural gas liquids from the Greater Ekofisk and Valhall field clusters in Norway as well as the Judy Platform in the British North Sea, according to Conoco’s website.