中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社沙特阿拉伯库拜尔9月24日报道,据业内消息人士称,沙特阿美石油公司预计将在今年年底前完成位于Jizan省西南部的新炼油厂的第一个主要单元,但炼油业务将在一年后才开始。
消息人士称,该计划原定于2016年年底完成,但由于合同上的分歧以及规模和设计的变化,计划已面临延误。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社
原文如下: Saudi Aramco to complete first unit in Jizan refinery by end 2017 KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia – Saudi Aramco is expected to complete the first major unit of a new refinery in southwestern Jizan province by the end of this year but refining operations will only start a year later, industry sources said. The refinery on the Red Sea is part of a plan to revive the region by building an economic city which will help create thousands of jobs. It had been scheduled to be completed in late 2016 but has faced delays due to contractual disagreements and changes in the scope and design, sources have said.