

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站9月21日休斯敦报道,作为陶氏杜邦公司此前宣布的60亿美元美国墨西哥湾沿岸(USGC)投资计划的一部分,新成立的陶氏杜邦公司麾下的业务部门陶氏杜邦材料科学公司日前开始试运转位于德州弗里波特港的乙烯和聚乙烯装置。 陶氏杜邦公司60亿美元墨西哥湾沿岸投资计划主要涉及德州和路易斯安那州旨在利用低成本和得天独厚的美国页岩气原料的项目。 陶氏杜邦公司说,该公司150万吨/年的乙烯装置和40万/年的聚乙烯装置都在9月21日开始试运转。 陶氏杜邦公司表示,这两个装置计划在第四季度达到满负荷生产速度。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: DowDuPont commissions Texas ethylene, PE plants DowDuPont Materials Science, the business division of newly formed DowDupont, has commissioned ethylene and polyethylene (PE) units in Freeport, Tex., as part of Dow Chemical Co.’s previously announced $6-billion US Gulf Coast (USGC) investment program in Texas and Louisiana on projects to utilize low-cost and advantaged US shale gas feedstock.
The 1.5 million-tonne/year ethylene plant and 400,000-tpy PE plant were both in operation as of Sept. 21, DowDupont said. Both units are scheduled to reach full production rates during the fourth quarter, the operator said.  
