

中国石化新闻网讯 据AzerNews网站9月20日巴库报道,阿塞拜疆的沙赫杰尼兹大气田自2006年投产以来迄今已开采出近850亿立方米天然气和2120万吨凝析油。 阿塞拜疆国家石油公司总裁阿卜杜拉耶夫在其9月20日发表在该国《共和国报》上的一篇文章中宣布了这个数字。 1999年发现的沙赫杰尼兹大气田是世界上最大的凝析气田之一。这个大气田位于里海深水大陆架上,距离巴库70公里,水深从50米到500米。 沙赫杰尼兹大气田估计拥有1.2万亿立方米的天然气储量。 李峻 编译自 AzerNews.com 原文如下: SOCAR President reveals Shah Deniz gas output Roughly 85 billion cubic meters of gas and 21.2 million tons of condensate have been extracted from Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz gas field since the beginning of operation in 2006. Rovnag Abdullayev, President of the state-owned energy company SOCAR announced about this in his article, published in the country’s Respublika newspaper, on September 20. The Shah Deniz, discovered in 1999, is one of the world’s largest gas-condensate fields. The field is located on the deep water shelf of the Caspian Sea, 70 km south-east of Baku, in water depths ranging from 50 to 500 m. Shah Deniz field’s reserves are estimated at 1.2 trillion cubic meters of gas.
