中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦9月12日消息,欧佩克表示,来自于第二手资源的数据估计8月份欧佩克石油产量环比上月减少7.9万桶/天降至3276万桶/天。这是自今年4月以来欧佩克首次报告产量下降。 8月份欧佩克成员国中只有尼日利亚的产量出现增加,而利比亚、加蓬、委内瑞拉和伊拉克的石油产量出现下降。 欧佩克在最新月度石油市场报告中表示,明年全球市场对欧佩克石油的需求为3283万桶/天,比上一次的预测上调41万桶/天。 欧佩克表示全球石油库存正在下降,市场的再平衡正在进行中。 中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦9月12日消息,欧佩克表示,来自于第二手资源的数据估计8月份欧佩克石油产量环比上月减少7.9万桶/天降至3276万桶/天。这是自今年4月以来欧佩克首次报告产量下降。 8月份欧佩克成员国中只有尼日利亚的产量出现增加,而利比亚、加蓬、委内瑞拉和伊拉克的石油产量出现下降。 欧佩克在最新月度石油市场报告中表示,明年全球市场对欧佩克石油的需求为3283万桶/天,比上一次的预测上调41万桶/天。 欧佩克表示全球石油库存正在下降,市场的再平衡正在进行中。 唐绍红 摘译自 油气在线 原文如下: OPEC production falls to 32.76 million b/d in August The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries said secondary sources estimated its oil production fell 79,000 b/d in August to 32.76 million b/d compared with July. It was the first time since April that the oil cartel reported a production drop. Crude oil production increased in Nigeria while production declined in Libya, Gabon, Venezuela, and Iraq. In a Monthly Oil Market Report, OPEC said the world would need 32.83 million b/d of OPEC crude next year, up 410,000 b/d from its previous forecast. OPEC said inventories were falling and a rebalancing of the market is under way. 原文如下: OPEC production falls to 32.76 million b/d in August The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries said secondary sources estimated its oil production fell 79,000 b/d in August to 32.76 million b/d compared with July. It was the first time since April that the oil cartel reported a production drop. Crude oil production increased in Nigeria while production declined in Libya, Gabon, Venezuela, and Iraq. In a Monthly Oil Market Report, OPEC said the world would need 32.83 million b/d of OPEC crude next year, up 410,000 b/d from its previous forecast. OPEC said inventories were falling and a rebalancing of the market is under way.