

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站8月21日伦敦报道,加纳总统阿库福-阿多办公室21日表示,加纳总统阿多计划在其对这个几内亚湾石油生产国进行为期3天访问期间签署一项从赤道几内亚(赤几)进口液化天然气(LNG)的协议。 尽管自2010年其旗舰朱比利油田投产以来,一家石油和天然气生产商就已进入该油田,但加纳过去一直在努力确保国内市场的可靠电力供应。 与此同时,赤几正在探索向其非洲邻国出售部分LNG的可能性。 来自阿多总统的通讯主任的声明说,阿多总统预计将与赤几总统特奥多罗·奥比昂·恩圭马·姆巴索戈签署一份未来5年从赤几进口LNG的框架协议。 声明说:“这项协议的执行是为了在这段时间内增加国内供应并进一步改善国内消费者个工业部门的电力供应状况。” 这项协议是加纳政府为向燃料发电厂增加供应而采取的更广泛战略的一部分。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Ghana, Equatorial Guinea to Sign LNG Deal Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo plans to sign an agreement to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Equatorial Guinea during his three-day visit to the Gulf of Guinea petroleum producer,his office said. Though an oil and gas producer in its own right since its flagship Jubilee field came on stream in 2010, Ghana has in the past struggled to ensure reliable power production for a growing domestic market. Equatorial Guinea, meanwhile, is exploring the possibility of selling a portion of its LNG cargos to its African neighbours. The statement from Akufo-Addo’s communications director said the president was expected to sign a framework document with his counterpart President Teodoro Obiang Nguema to import LNG from Equatorial Guinea for five years. “The execution of this agreement is intended to augment domestic supply over the period, and improve further the power situation in the country, both for local consumers and industry,” the statement said. The deal is part of a broader strategy by Ghana’s government to boost supplies to fuel power plants.  
