中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月18日圣保罗/里约热内卢报道,由于巴西寻求在今年年底的关键拍卖举行前吸引投资,巴西周五(18日)把油气工业将于2019年到期的称为Repetro制度的优惠关税制度延长到了2040年。 与此同时,另一项法令还颁布了一项特别的税收制度来支持石油和天然气行业的本地供应商。 在2009年开始实施的Repetro制度对用于油气藏研究和开采的商品暂停支付联邦进出口关税。 在今年计划的3个油气区块拍卖前,延长优惠关税制度对石油公司来说无疑是一个福音。一个油气勘探区块将在9月份拍卖,另外两个盐下远景构造将依照产量分成协议在10月份举行。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下 Brazil Extends Customs Perks For Oil Industry Through 2040 SBrazil on Friday extended through 2040 a preferential customs regime for the oil and gas industry called Repetro, which was set to expire in 2019, as it seeks to entice investment ahead of key auctions later this year. The move was accompanied by another decree creating a special tax regime to bolster local suppliers for the oil and gas sector. The Repetro system, which was put in place in 2009, suspends the payment of federal taxes on imports and exports of goods used in research and mining of oil and natural gas deposits. The extension is a boon for oil companies ahead of three auctions of oil and gas exploration blocks planned for this year, one for concessions in September and two for pre-salt prospects under sharing schemes in October.