

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油》8月17日休斯敦报道,总部设在美国明尼苏达州明尼阿珀里斯的阿帕奇石油公司宣布,该公司日前已完成了此前披露的把其麾下的加拿大子公司阿帕奇加拿大有限公司出售给派拉蒙资源有限公司。 阿帕奇加拿大有限公司由主要位于加拿大艾伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省的油气资产组成。 阿帕奇公司还完成了此前披露的把其位于艾伯塔省的Provost资产出售给了一家公司名字未泄露的私人公司。 加上6月30日出售其在Midale和House Mountain的资产,这些交易构成了阿帕奇公司从加拿大的一次全国范围的战略退出。 李峻 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: Apache Corp. completes strategic exit from Canada Apache Corporation has announced that it has completed the previously disclosed sale of its Apache Canada Ltd. subsidiary to Paramount Resources Ltd., which consists of properties located principally in the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. Apache also completed the previously disclosed sale of its Provost assets in Alberta to an undisclosed privately owned company. Together, with the June 30 sale of its assets at Midale and House Mountain, these transactions constitute a full country exit for the company from Canada.
