

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月17日奥斯陆报道,挪威石油行业监管机构周四在奥斯陆表示,美国大陆菲利普斯公司(康菲)已获准为拆除40多年前在挪威海上建造的首个永久性石油平台做准备。 这家美国石油大公司在7月份向挪威监管机构申请拆除在1974年开始从北海生产石油并在2013年被永久关闭的挪威埃科菲斯克油田2/4A石油平台。 埃科菲斯克油田在1971年开始从Gulfttide自升式钻井平台开始石油生产,后者是一种临时安装在可拆卸支架上的钻机。1974年,Gulftide自升式钻井平台被永久固定在海底的生产平台取代。 1969年发现的埃科菲斯克油田是第一个在挪威海上开始生产石油的油田,从而为这个拥有500万人口的国家开启了一段创造前所未有财富的时间。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Conoco To Start Dismantling Historical Norwegian Oil Platform ConocoPhillips has won permission to prepare for the removal of the first permanent oil platform built off Norway more than 40 years ago, the country’s industry regulator said on Thursday. The U.S. company applied in July to remove Ekofisk 2/4 A, which started producing oil from the North Sea in 1974 and shut permanently in 2013. Production at the Ekofisk field began in 1971 from the Gulftide jack-up rig, a temporary installation standing on removable legs. Gulftide was replaced with production platforms permanently fixed to the seabed in 1974. Discovered in 1969, Ekofisk was the first oilfield to begin production off Norway, kickstarting a period of unprecedented wealth for the nation of 5 million inhabitants.
