

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站8月16日马斯喀特报道,专注于中亚和里海油气业务的瑞典特提斯石油公司(Tethys Oil)总经理马格努斯·诺尔丁日前在接受阿曼媒体记者采访时说,该公司日前在阿曼东部的第3号区块和第4号区块内发现了两个具有作为一个油田被开发潜力的新油气藏。 诺尔丁说,特提斯石油公司在今年第二季度就成功完成了发现井Ulfa-1勘探井的钻井作业和测试作业。 诺尔丁说:“与第一季度完钻和第二季度评价的Erfan-1勘探井一起,我们现在拥有两个新的油气发现。根据时下正在进行的评价和评估的初步结果,这两个新发现具有变成3和4区块中新油田的潜力。如果是这样的话,我们将看到2013年以来的首批新油气田。” 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: Tethys reports new oil finds in Oman Blocks 3&4 Sweden-based Tethys Oil has reported discovery of two new hydrocarbon sources with potential to be developed as oil fields in Block 3 & 4 in eastern Oman, a media source said.
It follows the successful completion and testing of the exploration well Ulfa-1 in the second quarter of this year, Magnus Nordin, Tethys Oil managing director was quoted as saying in the Oman Observer report.
“Together with the exploration well Erfan-1, drilled in the first quarter and appraised in the second, we now have two new discoveries. Depending on the ongoing appraisal and evaluation process, these discoveries have the potential to turn into new oil fields on Blocks 3&4. If so, we are looking at the first new fields since 2013,” Nordin stated.  
