中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月15日伦敦报道,伦敦国际石油交易所(ICE第三季度交货的低硫原油期货溢价周一进一步走高,达到自合约开始交易以来的历史最高水平。 10月/12月交付的低硫柴油期货的价差周四达到了每吨8美元,这是2012年合约开始交易以来的最高水平。 对一个尤其供不应求市场的预期、炼油企业从9月份开始维护以及拉丁美洲需求预计将从美国到欧洲的流量中获取大量的柴油导致了这种“现货溢价”。 一名交易商表示:“对美国人来说,把低硫柴油期货卖到拉丁美洲是一笔更好的交易,你们将在今年第四季度的夏季销售旺季时再次看到这一点,这将是他们的需求季节。” 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Oct/Dec low sulfur gasoil backwardation all-time high on autumn maintenance, LatAm demand The backwardation across the October/December ICE low sulfur gasoil futures steepened further Monday, reaching an all-time high since the contract started trading.
The October/December spread was assessed at $8.00/mt Thursday, the widest since the contract started trading in 2012.
Expectations of a particularly tight market in October are causing this backwardation with refinery maintenance to start in September and Latin American demand expected to take volumes of diesel out of the flow from the US to Europe.
“It is better trade for the US guys to sell into Latin America, you will see this again when they will be in thee summer season in Q4 which this will be their demand season,” one trader said.