

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站8月11日休斯敦报道,美国北达科他州周五(11日)公布的统计数据显示,由于原油价格不温不火,北达科他州6月份的石油日产量比5月份下滑了大约1%。 根据北达科他州自然资源部公布的统计数据,北达科他州6月份平均每天生产了103万桶石油,环比平均日减1万桶。 统计数据显示,北达科他州6月份天然气日产量环比略有下降,下降到了185万立方英尺。北达科他州的油井数在6月份达到了1.3915万部,创历史新高。 北达科他州的在用钻机数——该州石油工业兴旺备受关注的晴雨表——一直在稳步增加,8月11日,北达科他州的在用钻机数达到了57部,环比增加了大约4%。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: North Dakota Oil Production Slips about 1% in June North Dakota’s daily oil production slipped about 1 percent in June amidst tepid crude prices , according to state data released on Friday. The state pumped 1.03 million barrels of oil per day (bpd) in June, down from 1.04 million bpd in May, according to the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources. Natural gas production dipped slightly to 1.85 million cubic feet per day. The state’s oil well count hit 13,915 during the month, an all-time high. North Dakota’s drilling rig count, a closely watched barometer of the state’s oil industry’s health, has been steadily rising. On Friday the count stood at 57, about 4 percent higher than in June.  
