中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯澳大利亚墨尔本8月10日消息,澳大利亚反垄断监管机构对英国石油公司(BP)计划收购澳大利亚一个加油站网络的计划表示了担忧,称这有可能大幅削弱大都市地区的竞争。 在概述对该拟议收购交易的初步看法时,澳大利亚竞争与消费者委员会(ACCC)周四表示,BP对零售商Woolworths公司加油站的收购将减少供应成品油的大型公司数量。 去年底,Woolworths签订了一项具有约束力的协议,以17.9亿澳元(合14.1亿美元)向BP出售其527个加油站和16个开发站,目的是利用交易所得巩固其资产负债表并再投资于核心业务。该交易对Caltex澳大利亚公司是个打击,该公司是Woolworths各加油站目前的成品油供应商。 ACCC预计将于10月26日对该收购交易做出最终决定,该机构正向各利益相关方收集反馈意见。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Regulator Raises Concerns over BP, Woolworths Gas-Station Deal Australia’s antitrust regulator has flagged concerns over BP PLC’s (BP) planned acquisition of a network of gas stations across Australia, which it said has the potential to reduce competition in metropolitan areas substantially . In an outline of its preliminary view on the proposed deal, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said Thursday the acquisition by BP of retailer Woolworths Ltd.’s (WOW.AU) service stations would reduce the number of big companies offering fuel. At the end of last year, Woolworths entered a binding agreement to sell its 527 gas stations and 16 development sites to BP for 1.79 billion Australian dollars (US$1.41 billion), aiming to use the proceeds to bolster its balance sheet and reinvest in its core operations. The deal was a blow to Caltex Australia Ltd. (CTX.AU), the existing fuel supplier to Woolworths’ outlets. The regulator’s final decision on the acquisition is expected on Oct. 26 and it is seeking feedback from interested parties.