

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月8日华盛顿报道,由于来自发电行业需求增加以及出口增加,美国能源信息署(ELA)日前提高了其对美国今年第四季度和明年天然气产量的估计数。 EIA在其8月份短期能源展望报告中把其对美国今年第四季度天然气市场产量估计数上调了8.4亿立方英尺至821亿立方英尺。 EIA代理署长霍华德在伴随8月份短期能源展望报告中的声明中说:“未来两年,美国天然气产量增长预计将加速,2017年增长率将超过2%,而2018年增长率将超过5.5%。” 他补充说:“预计2018年天然气产量将达到创纪录水平,而燃气发电厂的发电量预计将上升,美国天然气出口将增长23%。” 霍德华说,导致美国明年天然气产量预计创纪录增加的主要原因是美国燃气发电厂的发电量预计将增加以及美国天然气出口将增加23%。 李峻 编译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下: US EIA raises gas market production estimates The US Energy Information Administration nudged up its natural gas production estimates for the fourth quarter and coming year amid rising demand from the generation sector and a boost in exports.
The agency, in its August Short-Term Energy Outlook Tuesday, raised by 840 MMcf/d to 82.1 Bcf/d its natural gas marketed production estimate for the US in Q4 2017.
“US natural gas production growth is expected to accelerate over the next two years, with growth rates over 2% in 2017 and over 5.5% in 2018,” said EIA Acting Administrator Howard Gruenspecht in a statement accompanying the outlook.
“Forecast record natural gas production in 2018 coincides with an expected rise in electricity generation from natural-gas fired power plants and a 23% increase in US natural gas exports,” he added.
