

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月9日韩国蔚山报道,韩国最大的炼油商SK能源公司已购买首批美国原油。随着欧佩克产油国减产提振中东油价,其他供应商寻得机会趁机进入亚洲这个全球瞩目的市场。 作为全球最大的原油进口公司之一,SK能源表示其将在10月中旬从美国进口100万桶 WTI 米德兰级原油。该公司近日向媒体表示,从美国进口的原油将在蔚山日处理量为84万桶/天的炼油厂接受处理,该炼厂位于首尔南面约250公里处。 但此次进口量仍与SK原油需求量相形见绌,当前SK能源原油总需求量已达到2.7亿桶/年,主要由中东供应。自欧佩克同意将减产延至2018年3月,以削减全球供应过剩并支撑油价,亚洲大型原油进口商纷纷提升对美国的原油进口份额。 SK能源的控股母公司SK创新公司的新闻发言人Kim Woo-kyung表示,“轻质原油相较以前,已变得更具经济性。从哈萨克斯坦,美国和墨西哥进口轻质原油,有助于我们提高利润和多元化进口来源。” 章盈盈 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: S.Korea’s SK Energy buys 1st U.S. crude oil in move away from Middle East ULSAN, South Korea, Aug 9 (Reuters) – South Korea’s top refiner SK Energy is buying its first-ever continental U.S. crude oil shipment as producer club OPEC’s output cuts raise MidEast prices, giving other suppliers a chance to compete for the world’s juiciest oil market – Asia. One of Asia’s biggest fuel importers, SK Energy said it will import 1 million barrels of U.S. WTI Midland crude in mid-October. The oil will be processed at its 840,000 barrels-per-day (bpd) refinery in Ulsan, about 250 miles southeast of Seoul, showcased in a recent media tour. The order is dwarfed by SK Energy’s overall oil needs of 270 million barrels per year, mostly supplied from the Middle East. But it comes as big players in Asian oil imports snap up more U.S. crude since the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) pledge to rein in output through March 2018 to drain a supply glut and prop up prices. “Light crude oil has become more economically viable than before and by importing light crude from Kazakhstan, U.S. and Mexico, it helps us boost profits and diversify sources,” said Kim Woo-kyung, spokeswoman at the conglomerate SK Innovation Co which owns SK Energy.  
