

中国石化新闻网讯 据Offshore网站8月7日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯国有石油巨头俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)麾下的越南分公司俄油越南公司计划明年在位于越南南部海上的南昆山盆地钻取3口井。 俄油将钻两口生产井来开发位于06.1区块内的Phong Lan Dai气田和Lan Do气田的远景区以及在邻近的05-3/11区块内钻取一口勘探井。 俄油说,把两口生产井合并成一个钻井项目将在两个项目之间产生协同效应,从而减少钻井作业的持续时间。 俄油和越南国家石油公司拥有06.1区块的项目分成合同。这两个气田距离越南海岸大约370公里,水深在190米。俄油估计这两个气田拥有大约660亿立方米的天然气储量。 李峻 编译自 Offshore 原文如下: Rosneft outlines offshore Vietnam drilling schedule Rosneft Vietnam plans to drill three wells next year in the Nam Con Son basin offshore southern Vietnam. It will drill two production wells to develop prospective areas of the Phong Lan Dai and Lan Do fields in block 06.1 and an exploration well on the adjacent block 05-3/11. Combining two wells into one drilling program will generate synergy between the two projects, the company says, cutting the duration of drilling operations. Rosneft and PetroVietnam hold the project sharing contract for block 06.1. Lan Dai and Lan Do are 370 km (230 mi) from the shore in water depths of up to 190 m (623 ft). Rosneft estimates gas reserves at around 66 bcm.
