

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月4日伦敦报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司时下正在考虑扩建其旗下的一家德国炼油厂产能来生产旨在满足即将到来的船舶燃料含硫量上限的石油产品。 壳牌公司在这家德国炼油厂的网站上表示,在过去几天里,德国莱茵兰炼油厂的代表与当地政府官员和环保组织人士举行了会晤,向他们介绍了投资莱茵兰集团麾下14万桶/天的韦塞林格炼油厂的初步计划。 壳牌公司在一份电子邮件声明中对路透社说,壳牌公司正在考虑“对莱茵兰炼油厂的残油加工装置进行现代化改造并增强其在当地的脱硫厂。” 壳牌公司拒绝透露这个项目的更多细节,称这个项目目前处于“规划过程的早期阶段”。 联合国麾下的航运机构国际海事组织(IMO)在去年年底制定了全球监管规定,规定从2020年开始将船舶燃料的硫含硫量上限控制在0.5%,而目前的上限是3.5%。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Shell mulls German refinery upgrade to meet 2020 IMO sulfur rules Royal Dutch Shell is considering expanding the capacity of one of its German refineries to make oil products that meet an upcoming cap on the sulfur content of fuels used in shipping. In the past few days, Rheinland refinery representatives met local officials and environmental groups to present preliminary plans for an investment at the plant’s 140,000-bpd Wesseling site, Shell said on the refinery’s website. Shell is considering “a modernization of the residue processing unit at Rheinland refinery and to enhance the desulphurization plant there,” Shell told Reuters in an emailed statement. Shell declined to give further details on the project, saying it was in the “very early phase of the planning process.” The International Maritime Organization, the United Nations’ shipping agency, set global regulations in late 2016 to cap sulfur content in shipping fuel at 0.5%, versus the current 3.5%, from 2020.
