

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月21日卡尔加里报道,加拿大第二大油气生产公司加拿大能源公司(Encana)今年第二季度利润轻松超过了分析师的预期,因此,Encana日前提高了其全年核心资产产量增长预测。 以欧佩克为首的削减产量以及需求的反弹帮助推高了油价,油价目前徘徊在每桶50美元上下。 Encana还受益于精简其业务来专注于北美四个核心资产:加拿大西部的蒙特尼和迪韦奈以及美国的鹰福特和二叠纪。Encana的美国股票和加拿大股票在周五早盘交易中上涨了5%。 Encana为此把其今年核心资产产量增长预测从其5月份预测的20%多上调至25%至30%。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Canada’s Encana Smashes Profit Estimates, Shares Rise Encana Corp, Canada’s No. 2 oil and gas producer, posted a quarterly profit that handily beat analysts’ estimates and raised its full-year core asset production growth forecast. An OPEC-led production cut and a rebound in demand have helped increase oil prices, which are presently hovering around $50 per barrel. Encana has also benefited from downsizing its operations to focus on four core North American assets: the Montney and Duvernay in western Canada, and the Eagle Ford and Permian in the United States. Both U.S. and Canadian shares of Encana were up about 3 percent in early trading on Friday. The company raised its 2017 core asset production growth forecast to between 25 percent and 30 percent from the more than 20 percent growth it had forecast in May.  
