中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯7月24日的黎波里报道,一名接近利比亚原油生产的消息人士周一表示,利比亚的石油日产量达到了106.9万桶,利比亚希望今年的原油日产量能增加到125万桶。 这将是利比亚原油日产量自2013年以来首次突破100万桶大关,但是,利比亚国家石油公司(NOC)却一直保持沉默,并没有正式确认目前的原油产量。 利比亚石油官员在6月份发表的一份有关原油产量的最新声明中曾对欧佩克表示,其原油日产量为85.2万桶。 迈德利环球顾问公司北非分析师穆罕默德·达尔瓦泽说:“他们可能真的达到了日产100万桶原油大关。但我的感觉是,这个数字是产能,而不是平均产量,利比亚的原油日产量可能在90万桶到100万桶之间波动。” 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Libyan crude oil production at 1.069 million b/d: source Libya’s oil production is 1.069 million b/d, and the country hopes to grow its output to as much as 1.25 million b/d this year, a source close to production said Monday.
This would be the first time since 2013 that Libyan output would break above 1 million b/d, but state-owned National Oil Corp., or NOC, has been strangely silent, and has not officially confirmed current production.
In its last statement on production in June, Libyan oil officials told OPEC its produced 852,000 b/d.
“They might have indeed hit that 1 million b/d mark. But my feeling here is that this number is capacity, not average production, and output is probably fluctuating between 900,000 b/d and 1 million b/d,” North African analyst with Medley Global Advisors Mohammed Darwazeh said.