中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯7月24日达卡报道,孟加拉国Rupantarita Prakritik天然气有限公司(RPGCL)总经理24日在达卡表示,应有关感兴趣公司的请求,孟加拉国日前把寻求对现货液化天然气(LNG)供应表达兴趣的招标的截止日期从最初的7月30日延长到了8月17日。 RPGCL总经理周一在达卡对采访他的标普全球普氏能源资讯记者说:“潜在的LNG供应商将根据他们的交易经验以及他们向陆上和海上终端交付正确货物规格的能力被列入最后候选者的名单。” 被列入最后候选者名单的参与者和RPGCL将签署有效期至少5年的现货LNG销售和购买协议。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Bangladesh delays LNG spot tender deadline, reveals LNG cargo specification Bangladesh has extended the deadline of a tender seeking expressions of interest in spot LNG supply to August 17 from its initial July 30 date, following requests from interested parties, said a senior official.
Potential LNG suppliers will be shortlisted based on their trading experience and their ability to deliver the right cargo specification to both onshore and offshore terminals, Md Quamruzzaman, the managing director of Rupantarita Prakritik Gas Company Ltd, or RPGCL, told S&P Global Platts Monday.
Shortlisted participants and RPGCL will be signing sales and purchase agreements governing the spot LNG supply with a validity of at least five years.