中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月19日墨西哥城报道,墨西哥石油监管机构墨西哥国家油气委员会(NHC)日前把明年1月31日设定为下一轮墨西哥湾深水石油和天然气拍卖的投标日期。 此次所谓的2.4拍卖将提供30个地区,其中10个地区位于科迪拉斯墨西哥深海盆地,另外10个地区位于萨里纳盆地,9个地区位于美国和墨西哥海上接壤边界的佩尔迪多褶皱带,还有一个地区位于尤卡坦高地。 科迪拉斯墨西哥深海盆地是墨西哥国家石油公司麾下的拉卡奇天然气项目的所在地,这个盆地位于墨西哥湾沿岸韦拉克鲁斯港的东面。 在石油和天然气行业看来,科迪拉斯墨西哥深海盆地具有大量的未开发潜力。此次拍卖将是科迪拉斯墨西哥深海盆地首次向国际石油巨头开放。在过去几十年里,这些大型石油公司在墨西哥湾美国一侧水域已开发了其他有利可图的油田。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Mexico sets a date for deepwater oil, gas tenders Mexico’s oil regulator, the National Hydrocarbons Commission, set Jan. 31 as the date for the next round of auctions for deepwater oil and gas tenders in the Gulf of Mexico. The so-called 2.4 auctions will offer 30 areas, of which 10 are in the Cordilleras Mexicanas deepwater basin, 10 others in the Salina basin, nine in the Perdido Fold Belt off the U.S.-Mexico maritime border and one more in the Yucatan platform. The Cordilleras Mexicanas deepwater basin is home to national oil company Pemex’s Lakach natural gas project and located east of the Gulf Coast port of Veracruz. Cordilleras Mexicanas is viewed by the oil and gas industry as having extensive untapped potential. The auction will be the first time the basin has been made available to international oil majors, which for decades have profitably developed other fields in U.S. waters nearby.