

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站7月11日利雅得报道,一些知情人士周二表示,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)将满足其在印度和东南亚的客户以及其在北亚的买家8月份全部原油需求。 这显示出全球最大的石油出口国沙特阿拉伯如何在亚洲市场保持市场份额,而亚洲是全球需求增长最强劲的地区。 为了遵守石油输出国组织和俄罗斯等非欧佩克国家达成的减产协议,沙特阿拉伯一直在削减对欧洲和美国的原油出口。 其中一名消息人士称,8月份即使向南亚客户供应的中质和重质原油都没有任何的削减。 至少有一个北亚买家也会收到其合同所要求数量的阿拉伯重质油油。 Saudi Aramco to meet August Asia Crude Demand To supply full volumes to India, SE Asia; four north Asia buyers also to receive full supplies.
Saudi Aramco will meet the full August crude oil requirements of its customers in India and southeast Asia as well as four of its North Asian buyers, several sources with knowledge of the matter said on Tuesday. This shows how Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, aims to retain market share in Asia, the region with the world’s strongest demand growth. Saudi Arabia has been cutting exports to Europe and the United States to comply with a production cut deal by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and some non-OPEC countries such as Russia. For August, “there is no (supply) cut” even for heavier grades such as Arab Medium and Heavy crude to south Asian customers, one of the sources said. At least one north Asian buyer will also receive the Arab heavy crude it demands.
