中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月13日消息,欧佩克负责人表示,受需求回升和产油国继续削减产量的影响,今年下半年全球石油库存下降速度将加快。尽管欧佩克和包括俄罗斯在内的非欧佩克产油国每天削减石油产量180万桶/天,但是油价反弹已经放缓。但是欧佩克秘书长Mohammed Barkindo在伊斯坦布会举行的一次石油会议上表示:“削减产量的结果令人鼓舞,在半年的时间里,我们已经看到石油库存从去年过剩逼近3.8亿桶的基础上减少了1亿桶。我们预计随着需求回升,库存消化速度将加快,从而令石油市场重新平衡。” 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: OPEC Chief Expects Oil-Market Rebalancing to Gather Steam in 2H OPEC expects a drawdown in oil inventories to accelerate in the second half as demand picks up and producers maintain production curbs, the group’s chief says. Oil prices have been slow to rebound, despite OPEC and allies such as Russia slashing a combined output of 1.8 million barrels a day. But speaking at an Istanbul oil industry conference, OPEC’s secretary general Mohammed Barkindo said “the results [of the cuts] have been encouraging.” In six months, “we have seen a drawdown of over 100 million barrels from the overhang” of 380 million barrels last year. “We except this drawdown to gather steam as demand picks up, bringing back the markets to balance,” OPEC’s chief said.