中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯布宜诺斯艾利斯7月3日消息,阿根廷国有能源公司YPF表示,公司计划2018-2027年期间投资逾12亿美元在该国南部丘布特省进行石油和天然气勘探和开采活动,该省的常规油气储量日趋成熟。 YPF周末发布的公告称,开发重点是利用二次和三次采油技术来维持常规储量的产量,同时将在今年和明年钻取六个井来拓宽勘探领域。 YPF当前在丘布特省运营着四台钻机、10台修井机和七台拖钻机。丘布特省是当前阿根廷石油产量最高的省份。 据阿根廷能源部的数据显示,当前阿根廷的原油产量为50万桶/天,其中丘布特省占到27%,主要是重质原油,三分之一用于出口,同时该省还占到阿根廷1.22亿立方米/天的天然气产量的7.4%。 唐绍红摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Argentina’s YPF to invest $1.2 billion in Chubut through 2027 Argentina’s state-run energy company YPF said it plans to invest more than $1.2 billion in 2018-2027 in oil and natural gas exploration and production activities in the southern province of Chubut, where conventional reserves are maturing, the company said. The focus will be on using secondary and tertiary recovery techniques to maintain production from its conventional reserves, while widening exploration with six wells to be drilled between this year and next, YPF said in a statement over the weekend. YPF is operating four drilling rigs, 10 workover rigs and seven pulling rigs in Chubut, the most productive province for oil in Argentina. Chubut produces 27% of the country’s 500,000 b/d of crude, mostly a heavy variety of which about a third is exported, and 7.4% of its 122 million cu m/d of gas, according to Energy Ministry data.