中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月4日消息,BMI研究公司的Peter Lee告诉《华尔街日报》,即使韩国两大能源公司近来与美国公司签署了谅解备忘录,但是韩国要想大量增加美国LNG进口还得假以时日。他指出,截止目前,煤炭仍然是韩国电力公司优先选择的燃料,因为成本较低。他表示:“韩国新任总统文在寅非常支持天然气,但是自从进阁以来并没有清晰给出LNG将在该国能源构成中所占比例。” 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: South Korea’s US LNG Desires to Take Time It will be a while before South Korea’s uptake of US LNG increases dramatically even though 2 of the nation’s largest energy companies recently signed memorandum of understandings with US firms, Peter Lee of BMI Research tells WSJ. He notes coal remains by far the preferred choice of fuel for South Korean power companies because of low costs. “President Moon Jae-in’s platform is very supportive of gas, but since entering office the administration has not given a clear outline how much it would boost the ratio of LNG in the country’s energy mix.”