中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社6月29日首尔报道,为了扩大其在美国页岩气行业的规模,韩国能源企业集团SK集团日前与美国通用电气公司(GE)签署了一项旨在共同开发美国页岩气田的谅解备忘录(MOU)。 SK集团在一份声明中说,与GE的合作将帮助SK集团把美国的液化天然气带到韩国以及在美国LNG出口不断增加中向其他国家转售美国的液化天然气。 由于预期在特朗普政府领导下将会出现更多的机会,世界第2大LNG进口国韩国一直在鼓励当地的天然气公司投资美国的天然气项目。 SK集团曾说,该公司计划在今后的5年里向美国的天然气项目投资1.8万亿韩元(16亿美元)并将寻找价值高达5万亿韩元的潜在投资机会。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: South Korea’s SK Group signs MOU with GE to jointly develop U.S. shale gas South Korean energy conglomerate SK Group signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with General Electric on Thursday to jointly develop U.S. shale gas fields in a bid to expand in the U.S. shale gas sector. The partnership with GE will help SK Group bring in U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) to South Korea, as well as onsell it to other countries amid growing U.S. LNG exports, SK Group said in a statement. South Korea, the world’s second-biggest LNG importer, has encouraged local gas companies to invest in U.S. gas projects amid expectations that more opportunities will arise under a Trump administration. SK Group said it planned to invest 1.8 trillion won ($1.6 billion) in the United States over the next five years and would seek up to 5 trillion won worth of potential investment opportunities.