中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月29日消息,上周美国石油产量降至自今年4月初以来的最低水平,也就是从4月份开始美国基准的WTI原油价格开始下跌。截止上周五的一周,美国平均石油产量为925万桶/ 天,与前一周相比,产量下降逾1%。但是今年以来的多数时间里,美国石油产量处于上升中,只有极少的几周出现下降。自4月初以来,美国原油价格已经下跌逾17% 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: US Oil Production Slowing Down US oil production ticked lower last week to a level not seen since the start of April when the benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude price started its recent slide. For the week ended Friday, the US pumped 9.25M barrels of oil a day on average. That’s down a little more than 1% from the prior week. But most weeks so far this year American oil output has been on the rise, with a few minor exceptions. Since the start of April the price of US crude has dropped more than 17%.