中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社6月26日布鲁塞尔报道,尽管来自柏林的反对,13个欧盟国家周一(26日)表态支持一项旨在授权欧盟行政机构就反对俄罗斯的一条新的通往德国的天然气管道与俄罗斯进行谈判的建议。 在欧盟能源部长之间举行的一次非正式辩论中,德国在由28个成员国组成的欧盟中的合作伙伴已对俄罗斯的把更多天然气直接从俄罗斯海岸泵送到德国的北溪2管道计划表示了反对。 欧盟国家预计在今年秋天将就欧洲委员会请求授权代表整个欧盟与俄罗斯进行谈判一事进行投票。 这条管道的主要受益者德国认为这个项目纯粹是一个商业项目,而德国总理默克尔上周曾认为欧盟委员会在这个项目中没有任何作用。 尽管在对乌克兰实施军事干涉上对俄罗斯实施了制裁,然而,这项计划在与俄罗斯做生意一事上在欧盟内部产生了严重分歧。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Thirteen EU Nations Back Plan For Talks With Russia Over Gas Pipeline Thirteen EU nations voiced support on Monday for a proposal to empower the bloc’s executive to negotiate with Russia over objections to a new Russian gas pipeline to Germany, despite opposition from Berlin. At an informal debate among EU energy ministers, Germany’s partners in the 28-nation bloc spoke out against Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline plan to pump more gas directly from Russia’s Baltic coast to Germany. EU nations are expected to vote in the autumn on the European Commission’s request for a mandate to negotiate with Russia on behalf of the bloc as a whole. Germany, the main beneficiary of the pipeline, sees it as a purely commercial project, with Chancellor Angela Merkel last week saying she saw no role for the Commission. The plan taps into divisions among the bloc over doing business with Russia, which covers a third of the EU’s gas needs, despite sanctions against Moscow over its military intervention in Ukraine.